Know your Farmer?

BBQ is

Tastier with woodland raised pork

At Dogpatch Farm, our pigs get the 3 R’s (to Roam, Root and Run).

All born here, tended to with love and care, and each gets a name.

We’ve talked about it, did many recipe tests and have planned for a long time…… we are finally in in midst of creating an on farm commercial kitchen so we can bring you pulled pork and other tasty things.

Farm & Kitchen updates -3/19 - First day of Spring

Only one more room to go for the flooring installation. A little bit of trim to reinstall and then it’s the water test and state application!

We Play With Your Food & Name it Too!

We Play With Your Food & Name it Too! •

Our pork is NOT the other white meat. Its darker and well marbled. We put the flavor back in pork.

You’ll love our pork flavor

Our Favorites


Watch for our easy-to-follow recipes on social media

the farmer

This is a woman owned family farm.

I’m trying to make a difference in my little corner. I spent years in the food industry before working at a wildlife rehabilitation center and in a veterinarians office. I now blend my love of animals and my love of food together at Dogpatch Farm.